meskew87 Member


  • I used Shakeology for a while and liked it for one reason alone - it made it easier for me to eat at a deficit. Because I knew I could quickly whip up a shake with some coconut milk and be on my way, it was less tempting for me to grab some other kind of junk to fill myself up with (fast food breafkast sandwich, Starbucks…
  • The advice I have always heard is that if you have sickness from the chest up (i.e. cough, congestion, runny nose, headache, etc) that a gentle workout is good fo ryou body. However if you are sick below the chest (nausea, throwing up, diarrhea, etc) then you should stay home and rest.
  • I have not done p90x but I loved Insanity. You do run a risk for injury though if you don't know what you are doing and its really not a great workout if you consider yourself a beginner. However I don't think I would probably consider p90x for a beginner either. Have you looked in to T25? My results haven't been as…
  • I would recommend staying away form artificial sweeteners, they can really mess up some peoples cravings (I'm one of those people!) and if you aren't already hooked on having them, I would just not even go there. As for the soda, its my biggest vice as well. I think the approach you are on right now is best. Have one a day…
  • I do plain greek yogurt and a scoop of chocolate protein powder for just shy of 200. Its so filling and once you get used to the tang of the greek yogurt its really delicious!
  • I ran myfirst half marathon using 4:1 intervals and it worked well for me. As I got stronger, I switched to running a mile/walking a minute and thats how I have completed most of my races since then (including another half and lots and 5 and 10ks). RIght now I'm trying to get to a place where I can run an entire 5k with no…
  • Try going to a specialty lingerie store, or even something like Soma. VS unfortunately doesn't always have the best customer service in terms of truly fitting you in the right bra
  • Its l about your goal. Every race I have ever completed I've done with planned walk breaks (and I've done several 5ks, more 10ks than I can remember, and two half marathons) Personally I love the thrill of adding mileage, and I find 10K to be a fun distance, challenging but manageable. So I would say try the 10k out if it…
  • No way to spot reduce, but a good bra will work wonders to minimize its appearance. Many women wear too big of a band size and too small of a cup size, so your "back fat" gets smooshed around your band. A good fitting bra should scoop most of it up in to the cups and help you look instantly thinner. Measure your band size…
  • When I have a workout that I pushed through and feel great after, I try and pause for a moment and really imprint that great feeling in my memory. I take a few deep breaths, close my eyes, repeat to myself how wonderful it feels to take care of myself, etc. That feeling is short lived for me, so I really try to soak it in!…
  • T25 comes with a set of 10 workouts, and its a ten-week program. You can always repeat the program over and over, so its a one time investment in your health for the long term. I'm not affiliated with Beachbody at all, but I would really recommend buying it from the company or choosing a different program altogether if you…
  • I use my cheat meals as an opportunity to eat whatever as want but I keep it within my calories for the day. Usually Saturdays are my longer workouts, so it ends up being a good day to let myself indulge. I don't want to go over my calories and totally binge/pig out, but I don't allow myself sweets or treats during the…
  • My only heistation would be to be prepared that if you can't stick with it, the water weight is going to come right back on. What had been an encouraging motivating start (seeing the pounds come of quickly) could lead to a rebound in to the depressed feelings when it comes back on just as fast. I'm playing with lowering my…
  • Thank you for the tip on Krieger, I will definitely check it out. I haven't finished Why We Get Fat yet, but my plan was to read some critical reviews of it once I was done. Also, to whoever stated that reading Taubes means I know nothing about nutrition...well I certainly don't claim to be an expert by any stretch of the…
  • I certainly have some questions regarding a lot of the research he cites in the book, but its given me some persepective. I don't think we understand things as well as we think we do, and the book makes some interesting points. Have you read it?
  • For those who aren't totally sold on the calories-in/calories-out idea of weight loss, there is an interesting read by Gary Taubes called Why We Get Fat. He makes a very interesting case for how our bodies work and why calories-in/calories-out is a misapplication of the laws of physics. Basically the idea is that carbs…
  • I always have this thought when people say eat more to lose weight. I know that can't be true because plenty of people starve! Lol...but in all honesty I think there is some truth to giving your body enough fuel to run efficiently. I don't know that this has to do with your metabolism really slowing down or speeding up…
  • I make a great white bean soup that tastes super decadent but is actually not too bad. Sautee an onion until soft and translucent, add in a clove or two of garlic and cook until fragrant. Add in a box of chicken or veggie broth (32 ounces maybe? can't remember off the top of my head) and two cans of drained and rinsed…
  • General wisdom says no difference metabolically - a calorie is a calorie is a calorie, right? I'm not sure that I totally buy that though, but thats based purely on a gut feeling. I can't imagine I would feel good or function at a high level if I ate 1200 calories of cake a day. If we know it affects how we feel, surely it…
  • Check out they did 100 days on a budget and shopped off of what food stamp money would be in their area. While it sounds like they still spent quite a bit more than you are wanting to, she has lots of great recipe ideas that you can put in the mix. Lots of veggie soups are so filling and depending on…
  • I just wanted to chime in on the whole skipping breakfast thing. I, too, get ravenous when I eat breakfast and find that I often spend the rest of the day hungry and miserable. I have vascilated between believing what I have always been told, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that I will never lose…
  • Also short! (5'2) I have a hard time reminding myself that each pound is more significant at my height than at 5'6 or 5'8 like many of my friends. I used to aim for 2 lbs a week weight loss but thats really just not realistic for someone my size. Instead, I aim for 1200-1300 cals/day and work out consistently. The weight…
  • I'm a beachbody junky! I have done two rounds of Brazil Butt Lift, a round and a half of Insanity, and am now on my second round of T25.
  • I use whey factors double chocolate and have been very happy with it. It's pretty inexpensive on and their shipping is super quick.