forget about it, it may actually help you in the long run as long as you get back on the wagon again. It could help you by letting your body know that it isnt in a starvation situation because there are plenty of calories available when needed and it can get rid of fat as long as you get back to doing what is necessary to…
forgot Mao 100 million plus
I too have lost 18 lbs and I have to admit it your 18 lbs lost sure looks better than mine! LOL Good work, your figure is starting to show it happy self
Hi Matt, I too am working to get back to my Basic Training weight of 165, however, I graduated Air Force basic training back in 1981 and have peaked at over 300# since then. I struggled with my weight even when I was in the AF to the point it cost me a stripe! But in the end I was able to squeak a 20 year retirement out of…
yeah, that is really great!! I can't wait until I can report the first 100lbs gone. But that is a long way away yet. Scratch that. It is a ways off yet, but achievable, as you are proof twice over.