michelle42676 Member


  • All of the "natural" and other type of slimming pills can do a number on your system and actualy make unknowlingly make your health worse. I remember watching some Dr. Oz special (not his current TV show but something on Discovery Health) and he did some test on a woman who was taking them (of course she was also still…
  • I think all of the sugar is what's causing the biggest problem. I've tried to use stuff like splenda in the past, but I've always had issues with it not comming out as good. I'm not the best with experimentation, but perhaps you could experiment on cutting the sugar and maybe adding a bit of Stevia to help bump up the…
  • If you really need a pasta fix and don't want to worry about going over in carbs, Dreamfields pasta is a great brand to use since it only has 5 net carbs per serving. Also, I have to agree with an earlier post -- our tastes do change as we get older. Something you thought was gross back when you were growing up may taste…
  • If these are chain restaurants (I am not familiar with the names, so I can't be sure) you might want to see if you can find a cloned copy of the receipe. Try to Google the restaurant and receipe name and see if there is something that comes up in your search there. While the recipe may not be exact, since they're…
  • Stevia is a good, natural sweetener. It's much sweeter than sugar, so start with a little and slowly increase until you've got the sweetness level you want.