

  • She knows it is bad for her and the baby and probably already feels bad about it and doesn't need strangers giving her extra crap.
  • I have to rotate my deoderant every month or I swear it just stops working for me. I think overall my favourite is Degree solid.
  • This is pretty much one of my main reasons for wanting to lose weight. I have gone through 4 pairs of jeans in the past year because I walk so much. It is the worst.
  • I was just thinking about asking this. Would the length of time affect this at all?
  • Great job, your butt looks great!
  • I think 30ds is a really good starter video before moving on to others. It isn't impossible but still kicks your butt and gives you a good foundation to work with as you move forward. I am going Body Revolution right now and I am definitely thankful I started off with the shred.
  • When I am home alone and whatever I am eating is not too saucy, I love eating with my hands. I went to charm school when I was a kid and can name all different kinds of forks, but I find eating with my hands to be very satisfying. Especially cooled pasta. Idk, it is weird.
  • I have a very nasty, judgmental side to me but I would never look at someone and judge if they have stretch marks. It is one of those things that everyone has but we isolate ourselves in thinking that it is only us and ours are the worst. In HQ photos you can even see them on the VS girls when they walk down the runway. I…
  • I just want to add my 2 cents to the never try depo jar. My best friend got the shot several years ago and was a mess. She went from a perfectly happy person to an emotional wreck over night. And once you get it there is nothing you can do but wait for it to wear off. For some people it works great and that is good for…
  • It didn't make me gain weight although as I got older and my situations changed, my weight slowly crept up and as long as I was on the pill I could not doing anything to shake it off. However in the scheme of things I am much happier with that 10 pounds than I would be a baby so still worth it.
  • Grabbing breakfast on the go. I live in China and they have some AMAZING street food that I love but it is pretty much all off limits. Too much salt, oil, and msg. I have to walk by it (very quickly!) every morning on the way to school and it kills me a little bit inside. I just repeat my mantra of flat stomach flat…
  • No, you look great! In the scheme of things, 3 months is not that long. You can see a big difference everywhere, especially your collar bones and stomach/waist. Don't get discouraged, it takes us so much longer to see the changes in ourselves but yours is definitely there. :)
  • Dave Matthews Band (11x), Kings of Leon (9x), Yeah Yeah Yeah's (9x), The Features (5x), Joanna Newsom (4x), Spoon (4x) 2-3x Metric, Trampled By Turtles, Bon Iver, The Kills, The White Stripes, The Raconteurs, Gossip, Fleet Foxes, The Vaccines, The Whigs, Britney Spears, Vampire Weekend, Florence + the Machine, Fionna…
  • I don't understand the whole whites only thing either. The yolk is the most delicious part and I would feel so wasteful throwing half of the egg away. Also I would never pour my eggs out of a carton, the idea of that is so unnatural and wrong.
  • Hard sacrifices. I used to sort of pride myself on being a beer only girl and now if I am going to be out for an extended period of time I bring a bottle of water and try to stick to vodka tonics. Much less fun. :(
  • Yes, I love eggs! I hate it when people side eye me and tell me eggs are bad for you and I am going to have horrible cholesterol. No. Eggs fried in a cup of grease are not the only way to eat them and I don't think anyone has ever had a heart attack from eating hardboiled eggs. I hate that eggs have such a bad rap because…
  • I have no more insight to add to the situation that hasn't been given, but oh my gosh I cannot image someone saying that to me early in my recovery. Props to you for being sassy back, I think I would have cried.
  • I want to fit back into my favourite Giants (baseball) jersey and this is really boring, but my "goal" outfit involves a pair of jeans and my favourite grey t shirt. It is very light coloured and kind of thin material and I LOVE it and the idea of it but right now it hits my middle and I swear, manages to highlight…
  • Circuit 1 of level three kills me. I feel like for the 1st 10 minutes all I am doing is trying to stand up and not fall over. :tongue:
  • Yeah. My diary is open but I log for me, not anyone else. I log everything I eat, sometimes I don't log my exercise just because I'm not sure about my calories burned but that doesn't stop me from eating. Well actually sometimes I don't feel like logging and therefore I don't snack, which I consider a good thing overall. ;)
  • You look SO good! Fantastic job!
  • I've been working out and eating differently for a little over two months now and as of today my period is 15 days late. No chance of pregnancy I am pretty sure this happens whenever I start really exercising. Super annoying though because I'm pretty sure it is just waiting for my Hawaiian vacation at the end of the month.…
  • I don't really cheat because I just make what I want work, but today I am going to go get my favourite pitanini and I really have no idea what is in it other than the fact that it is godly and full of amazing. I Just call it 700 calories and take the rest of the day easy. It doesn't hurt that I have to walk for about an…
  • Amadou & Mariam- Batoman Basement Jaxx & Lisa Kekaula- Good Luck Animal Collective- Summertime Clothes Kanye West- The New Workout Plan Alex Clare- Up All Night Yeah Yeah Yeah's- Cheated Hearts Violent Femmes- Blister in the Sun Something I love to do (although it is time consuming) is to make copies of songs I like to run…
  • Anything chocolate. Seriously. I really don't keep anything extra snacky in the house though because I know when the mood hits me it will be gone. I can't even hard boil eggs ahead of time for this reason. My diet works mainly because I am very lazy. ;)
  • I love this show. I have to watch it before dinner though because no matter how much I eat, Master Chef always makes me hungry again. I wish Becky came across better because I do think she is probably the best chef, she's just too unlikable. At this point in the season, it is pretty much the girls' game. The guys are…
  • I feel your pain. If I wash my hair every day it gets really dry and awful. I try and cycle my workouts so one day I workout at night and the next in the morning so I can kind of stack my hair washing. I still rinse off after my night workouts but no shampoo.
  • If you do go the baggy route make sure to double bag, one bag facing one way and one facing the other. The last thing you want (besides being arrested for drug smuggling) is to have a protein powder explosion all over your stuff!
  • Avocado. Eating one like an apple is on my To Do list for when I get back to the states in December.
  • Whichever weight weights you decide to get, be sure that they are comfortable to do a plank on. In stage three a move requires it and my weights don't have enough height and it was not comfortable.