

  • Greatttttt and really informative post! Thanks so much for all that info Fit4Europe.... i do have one question; you mentioned that for the MN study, the participants were told to walk 22 miles a week.... but walking is more cardiovascular exercise, right? (sorry i'm not really that knowledgeable in exercise department lol)…
  • Thank Beebee and Mykaar! Good luck to you both as well :)
    in Hello! Comment by ali228 September 2010
  • Wow, there's a big difference in your current profile pic and the 8th (last picture) in the album! Congratulations! Also, i read your profile and am so inspired.... you've come so far! i have just signed up on this yesterday and it is definitely opening my eyes about how much the calories add up! Am trying to get fit as…
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