kestrels Member


  • Thanks, my measurements are the same, the trousers fit better and no bulges over the side, which I'm ok, it's just the needle on the scale that has gone up rather than down, I no muscles weigh more than fat, but I thought it would even out by now.
  • hi Doone33, thanks for that, made sense well put, however ive changed my activity to light and that has adjusted my calories, which is what I have been eating, but when I complete the entry at end of day it says I should be 125 or 126lbs in 5 weeks but its not happening, thats what I cant understand, I eat healthy home…
  • hi. reading this now makes sense to me, I think, ive been trying to work out how many calories im suppose to have to lose a few pounds, im nearly 60 quite fit and young, im 5ft 1and weigh 132lbs, ideally I want to go to 126, here it says goal 1340 food what I ate that day was 1232 exercise was 298 net 934 remaining406. so…
  • hi just read your post, im 59 5ft 1 and my bmr is 1227, how many calories do you eat?. I keep getting different info, I was told to eat between 1300 and 1400 to lose a few pounds, cause I was eating 1200 or less and fairly active, so my body was in starvation mode.I want to get down to 127lbs im 132lb at moment, thanks
  • Well I have to say they are great pictures, unbelievable, you have shapedup well. im 5ft 1, weigh 132lbs but dont look like you, although my love handles have got smaller and toned up the measurements have gone up an inch, on the whole my body has toned a lot from what it was im a few ponds heavier than I was, not sure…
  • what does it mean "eating back your calories". my BMR is 1227 I assume that is what I burn by just sitting, if I do housework, shopping, general moving around most of the day, how many calories should I be eating to lose half a pound a week. I get different results, I use this site ,so would like to stick to it as I find…
  • hi. first time on the forum. im nearly 60 :(.I look young and fit. im 5ft 1 and weigh 132lbs, previous years ive been under eating and weighed 125lbs I didnt realize I was under eating, then I started putting on weight and stayed at 126- 127 for awhile, I read on here I wasnt ezting enough calories, anyway to cut along…
  • im 5ft1 age 59 ive always been an active person doing sports, rowing was my main sport, anyway now im light active always doing something cleaning gardening etc, my main prob is that ive been told ive put my body into starvation cause ive always ate less then 1300 calories, and my weight was 126lbs for a long time, but…