

  • I have to agree with the others. In my experience, WM clothes have never run true to size and are just horribly made. I tend to go frequent Kohl's and I love the Gloria Vanderbilt Jeans (Amanda style) Check them out. I know for me it takes lots of loss to show in my size. Where my friends go down a size when they've lost…
  • Being able to bend down and tie my own shoes. I just love shoe laces :0) :smile: :smile:
  • Welcome and hello. I've recommitted as well. WE CAN DO THIS!
  • That has also been one of my biggest hurdles as well. I'll actually create a "snack plate" for myself. I usually have string cheese, honey turkey (deli thin), and sometimes I'll make myself a salad using spinach leaves, arugula & romaine lettuces. I'll add imitation crab, mushrooms and tomatoes and use those salad sprays…
  • Hi and welcome! I just got back into this yesterday and I'll tell ya, it's great. Be honest with your entries and you'll "see" the number drop. So cool! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!