

  • i did 45 minutes on the treadmill at 3.5 mph plus did legs proud that i even went and didnt do too bad for my first excited. gonna go do the treadmill at 5:30 am in the morning.....stay motivated!!
  • HEY THERE me too im in the 50 range and its even harder. i have 74 more to go and the bod has stopped....really need encouragement too. headed to the gym to do 3 miles on the treadmill...if i see any results tomorrow morning on the scale.....ill be revived lol
  • I am soooooo proud of you!!! i totally can relate to your situation...even though depression is not something I can really say that I have experienced....temptation is....i sometimes dont see why its fair for me to have to watch every morsel that goes into my mouth yet some people can eat anything and it never sticks. God…