LozFearn Member


  • I think you are not eating enough - I'd try eating at least half of your exercise calories. If you don't eat enough - your body will hang onto it as much as it can, as it thinks you are starving. Try it for a month and see what happens.
  • Give yourself some rest! Running every day may result in injury. Your body gets fitter as it recovers, not as you exercise. Make sure you eat enough protein, and just take it steady. Unfortunately the aches you get with exercising, are your bodies way of telling you it's adjusting. Just take things a bit easier.
  • Hi Just to let you know that Lactic Acid has NOTHING to do with Lactose in your diet. Lactic Acid occurs when your muscles are starved of oxygen - the burning your experience when exercising really hard. Once you get your breath back, the lactic acid will recede. What I think you are talking about is DOMS - Delayed Onset…
  • Were you on a stair climber or cross trainer? If so, mine always do this - it's simply the pressure on your feet restricting the blood supply, try moving your toes around and taking feet off the steps slightly when the steps are 'up'.