

  • Hey, Stacy Just the fact the you are here and trying to improve your health is a wonderful! Good for you! Take it a day at a time, a pound at a time and keep moving forward! You are not alone! YOU GO GIRL!:smile:
  • I got this one from a nutritionist - 1/3 cup plain oatmeal + 2/3 cups of water micro around 90 seconds then add 1 level tsp all-natural peanut butter nice and gooey!:smile:
  • My husband has called me "Babe" since 1985 - I think he has forgotten my first name because he never, ever calls me by it unless he is trying to get my attention in a crowd!
  • Fifty pounds IS a lot of weight to lose! It is several clothes sizes! Make your plan - fitting exercise into your day and meal planning - a little planning goes a long way! Good Luck!
  • WOW! If it's not too late, you two should go into couples therapy. Why are you the reason for the cheating? If the relationship was not meeting his needs, shouldn't he have had a sit down with you and discussed it? You have needs and feeling, too! Don't make excuses for him and his behavior. It was his choice to go outside…
  • Maybe try string beans in garlic sauce with chicken? Be aware of fried and heavily sauced items. Often the sauces are full of the bad stuff ( salt, sugar, etc) You might even request an item with the sauce on the side so you can control the amount. Good Luck!
  • Hi, Michelle First, you have to remember the you are doing this for YOU because YOU are important! I am around the same height/weight as you so I know what you mean. You need to make a plan of attack - figure out when you will squeeze exercise into your week. Plan your meals - if you go on Hungry Girl they offer great tips…
  • I like VitaBrownie in the freezer section for 100 calories. Let is defrost on the counter and enjoy every morsel! They also make VitaMuffin tops in a variety to flavors.
  • Most people do not exercise because they "don't have the time". Remember you are doing this for YOU. So NO MORE EXCUSES! If you can't "find the time" to exercise today, make sure you do so tomorrow. It takes time to create new habits and lose old ones. Make a plan and go for it! Good Luck!
    in Excuses Comment by Puppygirl29 June 2012
  • Everyone gets frustrated but DON'T give up! When you exercise make sure you are sweating! Maybe try a different type of exercise or alternate styles. Also, be aware of everything you eat - salad dressings,etc. Sometimes if you tweek your diet or try something new it will help move things along. Make sure you get enough…
  • Hi! You are on the right path! Make a food and exercise plan. Don't be afraid to try new stuff. There is a website called Hungry Girl that has lots of great recipes. Remember YOU are doing this for YOU and YOU are important! Good Luck!
  • Ok, so look on your TV guide schedule and DVR some exercise shows to follow. Sometimes you can find cheap workout videos at Wal-mart, K-Mart, etc. When weather permits find a running/walking track, take your Ipod and do some laps. Good Luck!
  • Sounds like you need a plan. Maybe go out with your Mom sometimes. You know most places will put the salad dressing on the side (so you can use olive oil + lemon/lime wedges instead of fattening dressings). A dinner salad is great - take half of the grilled chicken home and you are set. Try to find a happy medium. Good…
  • What usually works is a fiber capsule containing psyllium . You can get them a a drug store or maybe the supermarket. Follow the directions and take with lots of water. Good Luck!
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