

  • Sootymae, I think you're on to something. When I broke my leg last Feb. my physical therapist massaged my leg to "get rid of the debris" and get blood flowing again. I was dealing with a lot of swelling. My niece, who is an occupational therapist, showed me how to gently massage the area starting with the top part of my…
  • Me too. I want to know. Love losing pounds and inches, but the tummy is still there. I'm doing core exercises, but when will this tummy go down?
  • Happy to say, nothing, except I had to work like crazy to get 8 glasses of water in. I need to start earlier in the day. I have been thinking about -- BUT DID NOT AND WILL NOT CAVE -- a nice juicy cheeseburger with ketchup, mustard, sweet relish, and mayo. Also I got Breyer's sugar free and everything-else-free mint…
  • Yeah, I know someone, too, who used it, and with great results. I might be tempted to get it, but I think I might not be able to do all the exercises, or even most. Could anyone help me with this? Right now I weigh 159. GW is 140. I've lost 19.5. I did join a gym, and am wondering whether that would be easier and just as…
  • I don't skip them intentionally, but rather eat a snack if I'm hungry. A usual snack for me is fruit, or a plain rice cake with a Laughing Cow cheese wedge. If I try to eat snack just for the sake of eating them, I find myself feeling stuffed unnecessarily. What I will do sometimes is add a snack-type food in with a meal…
  • Laughing Cow :laugh: :laugh: original creamy Swiss cheese wedge
  • I would go back to college and major in writing. Then, I would go back to college again and major in brain research. Then, I would go back to college again and major in clinical psychology. I would travel to Austria and Hawaii. I would dream big. I would become published. I would plan elaborate get-togethers for our…
  • Woman: my mom -- Oh, how I've missed her these last fifteen years. She was my best bud. :heart: Man: Jesus
  • 1. misuse of words and not knowing correct spelling: your/you're, there/their/they're, your/you're, lose/loose, and the many others such as these I knew someone who mixed up "formally" with "formerly." 2. crooked pictures on walls (I have been known to straighten pictures in public places) 3. driving too slowly 4. slowing…
  • This happened to me too. Saturday night we were out and I ate like a crazy person! Sunday, up three pounds according to scale. Yesterday, Monday, down THREE. And this morning, down another ONE. Unbelievable! So, yes, you are right. It shows me that as long as we are diligent in our day-to-day eating, a splurge day really…
  • Although the word "hate" is a little strong, it's my stomach I am working hard on. I am having a heck of time, but finally can see a little definition, even though it's still too big. Pants are getting looser and abs muscles are tightening, so that's good. But I can't wait to see a reduction of the tummy. After that, it's…
  • I have a Tanita scale that weighs to the half-pound. I am satisfied with it, even though it doesn't have all the bells and whistles. You can set it for man or woman and for height. It's good enough for me, and it does match my doctor's scale. I asked for it as a gift, and my daughter got it for me. I'm not sure, but I…
  • Michigan on the Big Lake :happy:
  • Pink lemonade, hands down. My granddaughter and I have "tea parties" with it. She loves it too. :drinker:
  • Grind your own golden flax seed, a teaspoon or so a day. On cereal it has no taste.
  • Oh, I've been told over and over not to weigh every day, that I can't gain or lose a pound in a day, that it's too much of a worry, blah blah blah. But for me, it works because I can get a ballpark idea of where I am and how I'm doing. If it had a negative effect I wouldn't do it. I am interested in knowing what the scale…
  • Oh, it's obvious. I think we are the last to see. I am frustrated because the only place I've noticed 15 pounds lost is....get ready....IN MY FINGERS! Yep, you read that right. I can get my rings off easily, where before I figured they were on there forever!
  • Our trainer conducted nutrition class Wed. night and spoke to this very topic. Quoting from some of her materials: "Long steady work is the most common type of exercise done. The American College of Sports Medicine and American Heart Association recommends: *Minimum 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity *May break into…
  • Yup, I've done this before. Dr. Phil, in his "The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution" says to mentally divide a plate into four sections. One is for protein, one for a starchy vegetable, one for a non-starchy vegetable, and one for fruit. It's so easy, and he gives recommendations for serving sizes, i.e., for protein no more…
  • Wow, that is so great! Enjoy it.
  • Wow, that is so great! Enjoy it.
  • Yeah, mine won't either.
  • Mondays, because it's the beginning of a new week. Tuesdays, because I don't want Tuesday to be lonesome. Wednesdays, because it's "Hump Day." Thursdays, because it's my free-est day of the week. Fridays, because it's my busiest day of the week. Saturdays, because, well, I can. Sundays, because it's the Lord's day. Always,…
  • The Birdman of Alcatraz, Prince of Tides.
  • At the gym where I go I use what is called a semi-recumbent elliptical, which is a seated elliptical. I like it very much as it doesn't stress my back. I have a recumbent bike at home which I use. Other cardio that I do includes treadmill and bike. I know it's good to vary your routine, so after stretching I might jump on…
  • I have been married to my hubby for 41 years, and we have a 37 year-old daughter and a 34 year-old son, both of whom are married. My daughter is a stay-at-home mom, is involved in her children's schools and is politically active. My son is a police officer. So I am a mom of two, but also grandma to three, a grandson, 12, a…
  • Thank you for this. I'll definitely be trying it. I had a really cool lunch at a restaurant last week. It was a portabella mushroom veggie pizza. OMG, was it good! It was loaded with veggies of all kinds and I couldn't believe how good it was. You can be creative with this. I will be having it again, for sure.
  • How 'bout we can be buddies in this journey? Feel free to add me. :flowerforyou:
  • Yup, having trouble with the thighs too. If they're last to thin I guess I'll just keep on with my daily workouts at the gym and know that it will happen sooner or later.
  • I guess I'm a scale addict too. I weigh every morning under the same conditions: no food or water in me, having used the bathroom, nothing on. Any other time just reflects that I've eaten or had some of those vast amounts of water, and have clothes on. That's just me. I know I should weigh weekly, but I'm afraid, at least…