

  • Wow, I am so sorry. I did not know that was expected, and as such I will do that in the future. I am not trying to scam anyone. I am extremely shy person and find it hard communicating even in email format. I simply assumed we are all here to lose weight and get in shape and that we all had this in common.
  • 44 here You look so very young... :)
  • I have been both fat and thin. I am very shy so being fat actually served a purpose for me to dissapear. When I was thin I got a lot of attention- too much. I am sorry those ladies were so nasty to you. You did nothing wrong. My thought has always been if you've got it, flaunt it. And to be perfectly honest, I have met…
  • Yeah!!! Happiness! Congratulations on your success...your joy is now ours. Thanks for the inspiration.
  • Outstanding! I think that your ability to keep the baby weight down to only 25 lbs is fantastic. I was never able to do that for some reason. I am not familiar with Insanity. Is this a core aerobics program? Kick boxing or the like? Sounds like you have had success with it in the past, so have fun! I managed to lose 80 lbs…