BETTY54 Member


  • Hi, Hampstead NC here, I am new here and like all of us we want to loose weight and keep it off, get healthy and feel sexy too good luck to all of us, everyone on this site it so encouraging, I have been reading some of the posts, still figuring out how to use the site but will continue to learn , thanks for all the good…
  • I am new here and learning a lot, about 5 years ago I was over 200 lbs, exercised and dieted for abou a year and lost 50 lbs, Today I am nearing 190 again, (I moved and lost my exercise buddy and sorta went off the diet) so need to get the weight off and try to keep it off, on this site I can get inspired and motivted
  • You look great, a great inspiration , I want to look like you, LOL keep up the good work