

  • Yes it is. Well I mean, its not REALLY speed, but everyone refers to it that way. This is my second time to be on it and the first doctor I had would prescribe to just about anyone who wanted it, but he was far away and expensive so I quit going to him. I went to a practice and asked about my doctor about it and he put me…
  • You look awesome! Congrats!
  • Wow. I will definitely have to check that stuff out! Because it is such a hassle finding a doctor that wants to prescribe the phentermine. Plus $24 is about half the cost once I pay for a doctors visit , and get the prescription filled, and its 3 times the pills. Thanks!
  • I've taken that before back in high school. It works okay. Its more of an appetite suppressant than anything, some of my friends took it too and it worked better for some of them than me. I think it just depends on your body. One of my roommates has been using that this past month and she said using that and working out…
  • We must be in the same boat! Lol. I live in a college town as well. I'm going to school full time, and working full time and the past 2 years of doing this has really taken its toll on me! I'm working on losing about 40-50lbs and just started last week. Good luck!