

  • well it's day 7 for me. I'm feeling pretty good. My night time fridge raids have completely stopped and are being substituted by water. I have completely quit drinking soda and consume ONLY water everyday. This is a huge step for me considering I a was a very bad water drinker and would sometimes go days with no water. I'm…
  • ok, so I attempted to do the 30 day shred with Cruel Jillian. OMG!!! I am so out of shape. I barley made it 10 mins, my knees went numb, and my entire body was going into SHOCK!!!!. Please tell me it gets easier and to not give up. I fear I will completely give up. I try telling myself over and over in my head, "you want…
  • I'd like to join too, I just learned of this site. Maybe this will help me to stick with something