Moyer22 Member


  • Nah. Weight loss is strictly a math game with calories. Check out intermittent fasting. There are different kinds, but 16/8 every day works for me. That means I fast for 16 hours, then eat for 8 hours. I get up for work at 4 am, don't eat until lunch at noon, a snack at 3, then dinner around 7 when I get home. Then I'm…
  • Get a binder, a notebook, make a word document, whatever, and start keeping track of foods/meal ideas that work for you. My biggest problem is not being able to think of anything to make when I know that there are SO many options. I work 13ish hour shifts varying from 3-5 days a week, so the day before I plan out my food…
  • For pure weight loss, you don't need to necessarily work out. It's all about diet, specifically calories consumed vs. calories burned. Being here to track your food is the right place to be! I'm not sure if you've tracked or not, but I highly recommend starting out. Just eat as you would normally, but track all of your…
  • I also say push through it, but be sensible and don't go hard when you're hurting. My roommate swears by a product he uses that "stops him from being sore the day after". I can't remember what it is, but to me it's a psychological thing. If I'm not sore the next day, I feel like I didn't work hard enough. Anyway, the real…
  • I have Android and I use MapMyFitness for my runs and bike rides. It's really nice because you start your workout and the GPS tracks everything- distance, elevation, speed/split times, route, calories. They have a version you pay for but I just have the free one and it does everything I need it to. I love it because I just…
  • I'm in too! I've used this website on and off for awhile but it's time to start being consistent. 25 lbs is about what I've gained since I started my most recent job (long shifts, sitting all day, fast food, etc.) so I can definitely use the motivation! :)
  •,7122,s6-238-573-0-0,00.html These are all from the…
  • I have never worn "minimalist" style shoes such as the Vibrams so I can't really speak for those, but I definitely love barefoot running! I have worn cheap aqua shoes with the insoles taken out and I think minimalist shoes are cool but too expensive and, to me, defeat the purpose. I would say jump into going totally…
  • My original life "plan" was to volunteer in my spare time (which I don't seem to have a lot of these days) and to open a rescue when I retire. Maybe if my career choice doesn't work out I will take that route. I've always been interested in doing something dog related, but can't handle the medical side of it and couldn't…
  • If I could stay at home with him all day, believe me I would. He was a rescue from a friend and he would have ended up in a shelter otherwise. TheFunBun, maybe I should quit my job and open a dog day care haha, so many problems would be solved! :)
  • Thanks again. jonnyman41, that makes a lot of sense about the crate sizing. I do hope to have some kind of air conditioning soon, but I also like the idea of him being in the basement because it could be a bigger area for him to be out and once we get everything settled I plan on hanging down there a lot (we've only been…
  • Wow so many replies!! I didn't expect that especially since it is 3a.m. here haha. Your ideas are very helpful. :) I think I will get a larger pen somehow for the basement and move his current crate upstairs and make him feel more comfortable in both areas. I also thought of a friend that might be able to "babysit" him…
  • EleanorJaneth, I understand your concern, but that's why I'm asking for advice. I've never believed in crating animals at all but it's the only option right now as he would get into too much being left alone. I would love to give him the whole basement but unfortunately my roommates are also using it for storage and I…
  • Oh shoot I didn't see that! Thank you both so much, sorry to post in the wrong spot.
  • Welcome! I just joined as well. :)
    in New Pal Comment by Moyer22 April 2012
  • Just added you. :) After browsing through the posts on here I decided to do the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD for May. It's the perfect length for the challenge and will help me gauge just how out of shape I am haha.
    in Newbie! :) Comment by Moyer22 April 2012
  • I am also going to buy the DVD today (hopefully I can find it at Walmart or Meijer, if not I'll get it online) and make that my goal for May! I keep telling myself I'm going to come up with my own workout routine and not "pay for some DVD" haha but I have procrastinated enough and I've heard nothing but good things about…
  • Definitely in! Will be back on the 1st, this gives me a few days to get healthy grocery shopping done! :)