

  • Today I started the Cruise! WOW, I have inhaled my veggies today. Love the idea of using Greek yogurt with garlic as a sauce. I'm a dipper and LOVE dipping my chicken (ok everything) in ranch dressing. This could be a good sub, thank you! Tomorrow's lunch is sheritaki noodles sauteed with tilapia and one scrambled egg. A…
  • Hi KalebsMommy! Congrats on the weight loss! I am on day 9 (going for 10 days on the attack). I have been flavoring my plain non-fat yogurt with 1 pkg stevia and some extract (strawberry, coconut, or vanilla). Another "treat" I make is 1 C yogurt, 1 TBS powdered baking cocoa (unsweetened) and 1 stevia pkg. Very chocolate…
  • Hi all, I'm on day 7 here and doing well. No cravings to speak of, which helps! The scale is giving me good news which helps even more, haha. I bought some miracle rice (OK on all phases of Dukan) and made a stir fry with steak/rice/just a touch of soy sauce. FABulous! :happy:
  • looks nummy! I'm still on the attach phase...but this looks like heaven right now, lol.
  • Hi all! I have been on MFP for a while now, but very ho hum about it, if you know what I mean. I started the Dukan on Monday (2nd time round, first time I slid back way too quickly) and feel pretty good and down almost 3lb. I would really like to stay on the Attack phase for 7 days..but I''m getting bored with the all…
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