Rff7362 Member


  • I have about 1950 Excersize Calories per week, That is 3.25 Bottles of Wine per week-Awesome! Seriously, I have only been on this a month and have achieved the goal of 10 lbs lost. After the next month (10 lbs), I will have reached my high goal wieght. Loosing weight healthly is the key here. 2-3 lbs per week does that if…
  • Hi from Fort Lauderdale! Travel the State on Business though. Lots of nice parts of Florida to enjoy!
  • I work out at 5;20 AM so that there are less people at the Gym. Love the post here, My 2 cents please I think I have met the same two ladies at my gym! The hipocracy is amusing isnt it? : Having a phone at the gym means your not "Present" and not concentrating on what you are there for! What you cant get away for 30 min,…