ksnielsen Member


  • Mel I am so proud of you, and as I have said before you are a big inspiration for me, and now my husband. You are doing a great job. Sometimes I think that food is the way our family shows how they love us. If you are feeling frustrated or down please call me. I will be there to support you. You are doing great! Kepp it up.
  • It is hard, but a new study just came out stating that drinikng 2 glasses prior to each meal will help with weight loss. You can read the article by clicking on the following link. http://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20100823/water-may-be-a-secret-weapon-in-weight-loss Also I find that drinking out of a water bottle helps me.…
  • Totally Agree! Just keeps you accountable. Its so much more real when its in print.
  • Recovery drinks i.e. Gatorade, have many electrolytes that the body does not need. If you are a professional athlete and you are working out for many hours then, yes you would need to drink something like Gatorade, but for the normal person working out for about an hour you do not need it. Your body will do just fine with…
  • Congrats Mel!!!! Thats great...what an inspiration!