

  • Have you manually set your carbs to 45% as recommended for pcos? Can't stress enough how important it is to stay within your sugar as that is a big problem for people with pcos and fuels the weight loss difficulty. Although I am not diagnosed yet, I am in the middle of tests and met 2 out of the 3 criteria so far (waiting…
  • Great job! You must feel great! Keep it up :) I've lost a similar amount of weight but it's taken me nearly 2 years!
  • As others have said, quite often you crave the foods you are actually intolerant to. As for still needing to have it in the house, keep it frozen then only lift out what you need for your daughter. Frozen bread is never as appealing and the fact that it wouldnt be an instant fix might take the edge off the impulse of…
  • It's suggested that you don't lose more than 1lb a week (deliberately) as it could affect your supply. As long as your weight loss is slower than this there won't be any problems. I did weight watchers when bfing as they factor that in but its equivalent for 500 cals a day for EBF and I just reduced the amount the more…
  • Take it you all scared her off?