

  • Best of luck Sherry, it is the road to success we will travel, together if you like. I know what I do is say, I believe in myself and I KNOW I CAN..........IF I WANT TO. It is our choice to make and I have lost 41 lbs and want to lose 30 more. So I have a journey also. I quit smoking three years ago and also went back to…
  • Be sure and see the Hoover Dam, I personnaly think it was one of the wonders of the world being built back in the early 1900's with the equipment they had to use! Finished in four years, ahead of schedule which was originall 6 years. It ruly is amazing and your eight uear old will enjoy the site and history. Have fun Jill
  • Good for you, and you can and will succeed........it is a life choice....your choice...keeping focused is the key,,,keep the dream in front of you, buy a new top that you desperately want to wear in the nesr future and hang it near where you dress and keep it as a constant reminder why your doing this, as well asa for your…
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