vsangel87 Member


  • Well, hers are more enhanced than purely drawn on. There's a big difference between completely shaving your eyebrows off and drawing them on in a way that looks completely unnatural and just enhancing light/sparse brows with a brow pencil, gel, or powder.
  • Good question! No offense to those who do that, but it's soooo hideous! Like almost scary...ugh.
  • thanks for your input guys! so i'm hearing a lot of bad things about EC so i don't think i'll try it. lol i'll probably just try supplements that contain caffeine, like 5 hour energy shots or green tea supplements. and someone mentioned HCI...i've been wanting to try it but it's so expensive! lol good to know it works…
  • thank you so much for your thoughts guys! i always feel i can turn to you all about anything diet and exercise related (or anything else even) because i know we're all in this together, even though each of our situations are different. i wasn't sure if my case was a normal one with someone who is dieting or if it's going a…
  • no, my original goal weight was 115... yeah, i think i should go see a doctor...my boyfriend and his mother are urging me to go as well. even i'm concerned that i'm going to destroy myself at this point if i don't stop...i didn't mean for it to go this far.
  • omg i totally know how you feellll! :( it's that time for me too and i weighed myself this morning...horrible! i wanted to scream. and to make things worse, i indulged in a piece of velvet cake tonight and went over my calorie limit! have you done the same? i wanna know if it's normal to eat like a pig during that…
  • i live in raleigh, nc (eastern usa) and i absolutely like NOTHING about it! lol sorry, but i'd rather live in europe somewhere. what i don't like about here is that there is no reliable transportation so you MUST have a car, you have to pay to use life's most vital resource (a.k.a. water), there's absolutely NO life here…
  • mine is 110! almost there...5 more lbs to go! :)
  • I've actually tried that one before and i liked it...although, i think i like Bare Bronze by Victoria's Secret better. But it's been a while since i've used it...from what i can remember, it worked pretty well. But, as with any self-tanners, the after scent is the same...can't really describe it, but i guess you know what…
  • haha same here...as a teenager i've always wanted to be a supermodel, but then i found out that you had to be at least 5'8"...booo! lol it still would be nice if i make it as a model one day though, even if not an international model...but that's always been a silly dream of mine. now i'll go back to looking at my…
  • well, the least i can be is 111 lbs and i'm 5'5"! my goal weight is still 110 though. but for you to be 108 would be extremely underweight....i would say shoot for about 115 at the least...but 120 isn't bad at all for your height. i wish i was as tall as you, then i can audition to be a super model! lol are you a model…
  • Ugh, i just lost like 10 self-esteem points. lol And i thought i had proportional measurements. It's not like i can lose the bone that juts out, either. :( Well, i guess for my sake i'll keep measuring whre i've been measuring and i'll squeeze into clothes that are 1 size too small. lol
  • God, that's sooo unfair how most of the fat comes off of where you don't want it to come off of...the rest kinda lingers around in all the wrong places...****ty. lol Makes me wonder how skinny girls can have big boobs naturally...wtf?? lol
  • haha i was wondering the same thing the other day. i actually looked it up, and came across this site: http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/cbc It has all kinda of exercises and sexual intercourse is one of them :) I guess most people are just too embarassed to admit they had sex. haha
  • Ok, so it's normal? lol Yeah, that's actually one of my fears from losing weight...becoming totally flat chested! haha Though I don't think it'd be possible when it really comes down to it. But still...i have giant hips so having smaller boobs makes me look like i'm flat chested. lol I do like the fact that my boobs look…
  • Ugh, i feel your pain! I'm the same way too...except i've been doing the strength exercises for a lot less time...i started doing them about a couple of weeks ago, so i guess i shouldn't be seeing any big results yet, but i did notice that my chest size is going down. I went down about a size, also, since i started working…
  • Omg, i second that! German guys are hot! Well, the ones i've seen at least. lol My boyfriend's part German. :p
  • I agree! Beautiful people do come from everywhere! Trick question! lol It's all about personal opinion really...i think brazil has some of the most beautiful people, too, but i've also noticed that the middle east and india do, too. I mean take a look at Haifaa Wehbi and Asihwarya Rai. :)
  • Thanks for your recommendations guys! By the way, that caramel toffee fudge one sounds soo good! I think i'll try it. :) If it doesn't taste like chalk, then it'll pass the test. lol
  • Flirting? On MFP?! Nooo...it's a dieting site, not a dating site! Ok, i am being sarcastic here...i've definitely noticed a lot of flirting on here! Especially since people are here to lose weight, get in shape, and become hotter...of course! lol I don't really think anything of it, though...i assume people are just bored.…
  • Ok, you guys are making me jealous! lol I didn't even get to have a Valentine's Day dinner because my boyfriend and i were so busy all day running errands. :( Oh well...today wasn't our Valentine's Day...it's gonna be sometime next week. lol
  • Thanks for your input guys! I just increased my daily calorie intake to 1350...hopefully that'll be enough "shock" my body to help it get over the plateau...
  • hahahaha Your comment made me bust out laughin for some reason...i guess i'm just easily amused like that. lol
  • OMG!! You're right...so much better than jared. haha You don't even look like the same person. Great job! You're truly a great motivation to us all! :)
  • Well, my friend actually uses the Nivea kind and she told me that she's been using it for a month and that it actually works....since she's a good friend of mine, i took her word for it and i decided it to try it for myself, except i bought a different brand. If this one doesn't work, i'll try Nivea. This cellulite i have…
  • omg, do you know what i'd give to have size DD boobs?! lol i always tell myself i can't wait to get pregnant so my boobs can grow a little bigger...i'm not in a hurry for the kids though. haha
  • Ooh, please tell me YOUR stories. lol I don't really have any...well, i kinda do but i think it's kinda stupid. There's an application for the iPhone called Ghost Radar that's supposed to pick up on "strange presences." It's kinda like that radio-looking thing that investigators use to communicate with ghosts...i guess you…
  • Thank god i saved the box and the receipt then...i'm takin it back! lol The thing is i don't wanna spend too much money though, considering that i just lost my job. :( Is there a relatively cheap one that you know works as well as the higher end ones like Polar and all that?? And just because it has a chest strap does that…
  • Well, you don't have to agree with me...that's just what i believe and i stand by it. I still eat things like pizza in moderation and i haven't gained an ounce. Wow, some people are just too hard on themselves. And people say i'm hard on myself...psh. I know this is cliched and all, but life is short...enjoy it while you…
  • That's actually not that hard...you can still eat the things you like, just don't go crazy with it. Why can't people understand that?? For example, if you like butter on your baked potatoes, use margarine instead and maybe just use a very little amount. And if you usually like to eat sour cream with whatever, use plain…