

  • ^^^^^ I workout for wine, too! Red wine though (cause duh, it's HEALTHY!!) Seriously though, I LOVE to eat. So essentially, I work out so that I can eat more calories in the day ... but I am one of those strange people who has found a love for 'healthy' foods and my diary is PACKED with veggies, fruit, good grains, oils,…
  • awesome, thanks for posting!!
  • Hey! I've done (and still do!) 30 day shred. Love Jillian Michaels and her training theories! I am also a Beachbody coach and LOVE Turbo Fire, P90x, etc. Add me if you want support/motivation/etc. I am currently maintaining at 123 (5'7")...have two kids (ages 7 and 2) and love to change up my workouts, because I think…
  • Definitely agree! Either comment with actual advice, or leave it alone if the post "bothers" or "annoys" you. Most people are genuinely asking questions and looking for information! I get tired of all of the negativity or "holier than thou" attitude.
  • I have never "given up" any food(s)! I eat it all, but know my limits and am able to just have a *little* bit of whatever I want. If I restrict myself completely, I go crazy! BUT the one thing that has always been hardest for me to limit is any kind of pasta dish ... so now I save that for when we go out to eat (which…
  • Good luck with all of your goals! I think you will find GREAT support, advice (although choose it WISELY! lol) and friendship here.
  • I have a GMC Acadia and love, love, LOVE it!!! Would definitely recommend it, especially for families. We have two captains chairs for the second row instead of the bench seat and it is awesome that each of our kids' car seats have their own "chair". Love the entertainment system, the way it drives, and it does get decent…
  • I have been using Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire for over 6 years now! (after I had my first child). LOVED the results I got from Turbo Jam, and still utilize some of the DVDs and add them in to my other workout routines! I "trade up" to Turbo FIRE about two years ago and am obsessed with it! I completed the whole…
  • I drive my husband nuts with sooo many things, but I secretly think that's why he loves me! He says I'm crazy and that I act "too New Jersey" sometimes (we live in SC, but I'm from NJ... and apparently it's not totally acceptable to voice your opinion LOUDLY out in public, lol). I like to stay up late-ish (like 11-12) and…
  • Not sure if anyone suggested it already (don't have time to read through all the posts, sorry!) but maybe you could eat lunch at 11:00 if you're that hungry?? I used to have it stuck in my head that I had to wait until 12 or 1 to eat lunch, but was STARVING from 11:00 on. (I eat breakfast around 6:30-7). About a year ago I…
  • You look fantastic and SO HAPPY!!! What I love the most about this before/after picture is how HAPPY you look and the huge smile on your face! And your family is beautiful - you're one blessed mama for sure!
  • LOVE, love, love goat cheese. I crumble it and put it on top of salad (my favorite is a cranberry cinnamon... la bonne vie I think is the brand). I also make a fabulous dinner, almost like a bruschetta: thin slices of fresh french bread, grilled and rubbed with garlic. Spread the goat cheese on top (for this I use a…
  • haha I love all the craziness that goes on in these posts ... but here's my "opinion"... 1) Check for a ring. I know some married women don't wear their rings to the gym or to work out because it can be annoying, but there are some that do and obviously if she's wearing a ring - don't say anything. 2) Just a smile and…
  • Great job! You look fantastic and I'm sure you'r ecstatic about the results! I
  • Hey! Not sure what your background is, but definitely feel free to add me! I'm 26 years old, 5'7", 123 pounds and currently maintaining. I have two kids, ages 7 and almost 2, and am a work-at-home mom :)
  • I LOVE both of these programs :) I'm a new-ish Beachbody Coach and decided to become one because I have been using Beachbody workouts ( Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, P90x, Chalene Extreme, etc.) for over 6 years and truly believe in them!! I do EVERYTHING in a kind of "hybrid" form, with awesome results! In particular, I have…
  • I weigh first thing in the a.m. and TRY to do it only on Friday mornings (which is when I "count" my weight!) Otherwise I'm guilty of doing it randomly ALL the time during the day, just because I think the fluctuations are crazy!!
  • If you're hungry at 11, why not try eating lunch THEN instead of later and instead of snacking? I eat breakfast EVERY DAY (I DO think it's important, contrary to what some other people seem to think..) at 7 a.m. and end up getting hungry around 11 or 11:30 ... so I just eat lunch early. Then I usually have a protein shake…
  • HUUUUGE difference, I can't believe it's just five pounds that you lost! Looks like 30! AND you look SO much happier in your 'after' pictures ... THAT is what matters :) Congrats!
  • ahhh the constant struggle we have as moms -- what to do with our hair! We love it long, but hate it long because it's too much to deal with (and the kids pull all over it, like you said!!). We want it short because it will be "easier", then hate it once we do it ... such a struggle!!! For me personally I HATE my hair when…
  • Broncos fan right hereeee!!!!!! College we are Vols all the way :) I know how random / opposite that sounds, but if you know me, you know I'm a die-hard fan of both!
  • There are lots!! ( I saw you're allergic to nuts, so here's a few of my other favorites!! ) -- Greek yogurt mixed with fruit & chia seeds, or granola -- watermelon, cherries, blueberries -- carrots / bell peppers / hummus -- protein shakes If you REALLY actually love to sit and "snack" (I'm guilty of it sometimes!!) I LOVE…
  • How exciting for you!!! What an amazing difference!
  • I have heard (and recommend from experience!!) that it is not about WHEN you do things (eat, exercise, etc.) but your CONSISTENCY. So it is best to workout at the same time each day ... eat meals at the same time each day ... this has worked for me since I've adapted this mentality!!
  • Also, I workout about 2 hours each day ... 6 days a week. I'm kind of obsessed ... working out is what I do when I get bored, lol!
  • Hey! Do you track your calories on your fitbit only when you "exercise"? I am currently maintaining (I'm 26 years old, 5'7") at between 120-123 pounds (varies daily!). I ONLY track actual exercise calories and use a New Balance Fit+ HRM to calculate calories burned. I eat approx. 1800-2200 cals a day (but about 1500-1700…
  • Hey girl! I have two kids (I'm 26 years old 5'7" and currently maintaining at 120-123 depending on the day!) My kids are 7 and my "baby" is almost 2! I was 140 post-partum with each of them, and like I said am now down to 120. I SWEAR by Beachbody workouts - so good luck with Insanity! I've done Turbo Fire for almost 2…
  • Good luck on your weight loss journey and journey to a NEW LIFESTYLE!! Feel free to add me :) I love to offer motivation / support and like to think I have a "handle" on this healthy lifestyle thing! I am 26 years old, have two kids (ages 7 and almost 2) and am 5'7", currently maintaining at 121-124 (depending on the day!)…
  • I know you have been struggling and I feel for ya! I also have OCD tendencies (that's the reason I'm here, because I like to "write down" every little thing I'm putting in my body!!) For me, though, I have finally moved past that point where I feel "bad" if I "mess up", let the scale control my life, and FREAK out about…
  • I don't know why someone else would criticize what another person counts as exercise! I agree that it is totally individual. I personally never log cleaning because I workout 6-7 days a week and am logging more than enough exercise calories, and maintaining my weight (not trying to lose). If you don't exercise much, and…