lilpickle683 Member


  • feel free to add me! SW: 184 CW: 175 GW: 130
  • look up "telogen effluvium" - basically, it's when a large portion of your hair is prematurely pushed into the telogen, or resting phase; which means all those hairs fall out at the same time. A big cause is stress (which it sounds like you've had a lot of recently); also thyroid issues, anemia, other vitamin deficiencies.…
  • it's actually healthier to eat "fatty" dressings than low-fat or fat-free ones. 1 - low fat or fat free dressings tend to have a lot of sugar. 2 - a lot of the vitamins in the vegetables in your salad are fat-soluble, so you need some fat to be able to absorb them. just my preference, but i'd rather eat smaller amounts of…
  • i've been on topamax (now generic topiramate) for seven years for migraines. for the first 3 years I was on 50mg twice a day. the first year I was on it, I lost 30lbs - mostly because I didn't have an appetite and anything carbonated tasted horrible so soda and beer were out. The pins and needles feeling went away after a…
  • to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. HOWEVER - you do need to make sure you're eating enough so your body doesn't think you're dying and stores every calorie you eat as fat. I found these calculators to be very eye-opening and helpful:…