mtbRN Member


  • I like to mix vanilla flavored protein powder in my coffee, I mix the powder with cold water ( for some reason the brand I use won't mix very well with hot water) then use it like a creamer. I like to use the Starbucks instant vanilla coffee packs since no one else in my house drinks coffee. Put it in a travel cup and off…
  • Why don't you get her some yoga passes/gym passes or some kind of class or activity you can do together. That way your spending quality time together and it's not so offensive. Or some Cooking Light cookbooks (I'd love a few).
  • As someone who once hated bikes and used to fall off of bikes for no apparent reason I must reply :happy: A proper fitting bike will make a ton of difference, it will help tremendously, investing in a bike of your very own will help you to enjoy the sport and give you motivation to use it. Does the bike you use have gears?…