chezhk Member


  • I'm on week 9. I honestly thought my Lungs were going to explode at the 200 metre mark on the first week (probably ran too quickly:-) I just did the complete 5k earlier this eve. The best tip I can give is to just stick with it, I remember getting to wk 5 and looking ahead to what I would be doing in wk 6 and thinking 'how…
    in COUCH TO 5K Comment by chezhk June 2012
  • Hi, I have a stone to lose too. Have been trying to run, bike a swim in training for a sprint distance triathlon, see post titled 'new runners and 'tri'ers'. I think I must be the only over weight person not to lose weight whilst training for a tri! As far as food choices go, I'm trying to reduce non-wholegrain carbs and…