

  • That's definitely scary. I would be interested to know if any of these people were using beyond the recommended dosage, and/or combining the with alcohol or other stimulants? ...sorry I am still getting used to the forums. I meant to quote the person who originally responded to my post.
  • Again, I have used diet and exercise successfully in the past, and I realize this is the most healthy and long lasting means to losing weight. I was looking for answers from people who have had experience using this as a temporary jump start to help accelerate weight loss. Personal experience using these and other similar…
  • YES!! You absolutely can lose weight and tone muscle from doing yoga. What matters is the TYPE of yoga you are doing. While all yoga is beneficial, creating a better mind/body awareness, teaching proper breathe work, and to an extent working and stretching muscles, you need to be doing POWER YOGA to really see results. You…