amyhbrown Member


  • Here are a couple of exercises for shin splints: 1) Sit in a chair. Point your toes and write the alphabet on the ground with your feet. (Sounds weird but people swear by it.) 2) Sit in a chair with an exercise ball on top of your shins. Pressing down on the ball with your hands, lift your toes as if you are trying to lift…
  • 4.0 miles + 66.75 (PGT) = 70.75 New Group Total
  • I did the C25K a few years ago and have been running off and on for several years. I was never a runner before. I recently picked up again and did a modified version of the program. Last weekend I ran 7.5 miles! The program works and you can build on the 5K once you've completed it. I am planning my first 10K in April. I…