

  • You are an inspiration... I'm in my first week and lost about the same amount. It's great, isn't it?? I'm so proud of you about the running. Just an fyi... you can get the same calorie burn walking on the treadmill at a high incline as you do running, so if your knees start to bother you or whatever, you have that option.
  • I think big strong men with tattoos are hot. I think women's tattoos are usually gross or overdone. However, I've seen some on a woman's foot that are sexy. Usually my take is that women can way overdo the tattoo thing.
  • I don't know what would happen, but you feel free to keep posting.... those abs are hot!
  • I was considering the medifast diet plan but realized I could fashion my own diet plan using the Atkins shakes and bars as meal or snack replacements for certain meals, and then eat "lean and green" for dinner. I haven't started doing it yet, but it sure seems easier than making my lunch. <chuckle>
  • I just gained two pounds and had only lost 3, so it hurts a lot. But I'm taking in all the advice here and using it for myself, too. Thank you all for responding to her post. If I had lost 20 lbs, I would be ecs-fing-static!!