fairestthings Member


  • It can appear obsessive to a lot of people. I've had friends (even ones who use this site as well) who think I have become way too obsessive about it. Thing is, using MFP has been the only way for *me* to be able to successfully (1) lose weight, (2) work out consistently, (3) have readily available support nearly 24/7, (4)…
  • I'm not trying to make it smaller :)
  • Another reason why we love autumn in this house... so many yummy soups to have!
  • Thanks! :)
  • I actually haven't done barre in ages, and I probably should :) Thing is though, most of the exercises used in barre -- what they work out -- are teh same muscle groups worked out in donkey kicks and leg lifts. It's just done with grace :) LOL
  • I'm getting a lot of input for that specific video. I'll have to give it a look now! :) For the record, I'm near maintenance now. I only have 3-8lbs left to lose :)
  • Thank you :-) She is the light of our life, that's for sure. She is as sweet as she looks, I swear! thanks everyone for the advice. I'll be looking up the moves and suggestions! :flowerforyou:
  • I used to have the kind of butt I want now :) I was a ballet dancer, so I know IT IS THERE. LOL. As the others said, I am doing it for me. My husband has been happy with the way I look even when i was 20lbs heavier. This is all for me :)
  • LOL no prob ;-)
  • I was always told that after kids I'd have big boobs. do you know how disappointing it is to find out everyone was lying after all these years?! Jerks! My butt isn't so much deflated (boobs are! LOL) but I am trying to beat the future by working on it now before I have kid #2. I am determined to have an insanely fit…
  • I will have to be more adamant about stalking Craigslist :) I knwo hubby wants to purchase weights in the future when we move into a house that has room for them. Perhaps I shall result to a DVD. I just hope it works. And yes, we WILL absolutely get them back in shape! :happy:
  • Thank you! I totally forgot about oatmeal :blushing: We used to eat it every morning for breakfast, however it never kept me full for very long so I stopped eating it for muesli and Greek yoghurt instead. Thanks though! I will add it to my snacks perhaps :flowerforyou:
  • At 25, I refuse-refuse-refuse to accept that. I've seen far too many moms older than me in great shape. I know it's possible and i wil make it happen. I just need to find out how!
  • Why to avoid those things? They don't necessarily cause kidney stones per se, but they do?.. It's hard to explain for me since I'm not medically intelligent. I do know if my mom drinks dark pop for too long she gets a stone. Caffeine does help produce stones and usually people don't drink enough water so the kidneys don't…
  • I workout at home, so it's just body weight. I do use proper form - I have to or my knees will kill me. I've used 10lbs for them with my handweights, but that's it.
  • Autumn! The weather is cooler; cool enough to not need a jacket, but not so warm that everyone runs around half-naked and you aren't sweating like a pig. The air smells so... heavenly. To me. There's apple pies, pumpkins, gourds, squash, soups, changing of the leaves, moody days with rain and fog. OMG I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL…
  • Unless you have a family history of kidney stones, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I have a family history of them and still maintain around 50-100 of protein a day. we are huge fish eaters at our house too. All I would recommend is that you make sure you avoid dark pops, too much caffeine and drink plenty of water if…
  • You're receiving sound and healthy advice. Obese or not, your body requires a certain amount of calories to just function. Not just be able to do a bike ride kind of function, but heart beating, blood flowing, lungs pumping kind of function. I'm not saying you'll drop dead if you do a crash diet... but you can be doing…
  • :flowerforyou: I appreciate all the answers! I will have to look at the cereals better next time I go grocery shopping. I usually buy the Fiber One Honey Clusters for my daughter and I, and my husband prefer's Kashi's Go Lean! cereal. Wish they had an iron flake like they do for protein LOL.
  • Look At You!!! You look fantastic! How inspiring! :flowerforyou:
  • I have tried quinoa. Must try new recipes with it, as i hated the texture. I will get over it if helps me though! We have cacao powder too but when I tried to make a mousee with it, it was God-awful. LOL. What is your recipe for the smoothie?
  • I prefer to get all of my nutrition and medicine from food sources rather than dietary supplements or pills. (I do take medicine, but only on a rare needed time).
  • We arent vegetarians, but we only eat meat about 1-3 times a month. I will have to look into the Post Nuts cereal, because i love cereal as a snack. And crazy enough, I eat spinach every single day, sometimes twice, and somehow am still always around 50% :-/
  • I want to reach my UGW by Christmas, which is 110. I'm 118 now and since it's getting lower, the pounds are getting slower and harder to lose.
  • Light work out (I am rarely hungry after working out); tea/flavored water; go to bed; grab a high protein snack (almonds, dried edamames, soybeans, boiled egg)
  • As you know, you can't shrink just one part of your body :) I totally wish though! I don't know what kind of foods you're eating, but if your problem is your stomach, your food has to be *very* disciplined. If you want it flat, disciplined. Want it toned and lean? More disciplined. The abdominals are weak little idiots. If…
  • I bought a $20 digital scale at Wal-mart. I just quickly Googled Wal-mart's in stock digital food scales, looked at reviews and bought the cheapest one :) I am very happy with it and have had it since April of this year. Have yet to replace the batteries and I use it probably every 2 hours :) I don't know how anal you want…
  • No one has to do me, but ** ROFL ** !!!
  • To set myself in the mode of eating Breakfast-snack-Lunch-snack-Dinner-snack, I set up alarms on my cell phone.