

  • Good job! I really like your outfit with the gray top and belt. Very stylish.
  • Peanut butter is relatively low carb (6g), low fat string cheese, low fat yogurt, oranges, sugar free frozen fruit bars, light popcorn, half a whole wheat english muffin with low fat cheese, 1 cup of grapes, strawberries and cottage cheese, sugar free pudding, carrots with low fat ranch dressing, and low carb ice cream…
  • You can insert snacks into your diet...especially before and after workouts. Many diets encourage small meals to keep your metabolism going anyway. Some other ideas (nuts are great) include protein bars (south beach diet ones are good), 100 calorie pack popcorn, green giant broccoli and cheese sauce (150 cals for entire…
  • I am not a morning person, so I always eat while en route to my job. I usually eat 1 or 2 granola bars. Some good ones are the South Beach Diet brand and Kashi. They taste good, are under 200 calories per serving, and have fiber and protein.
  • Candy and desserts are always difficult for me to ignore.