

  • i quit smoking in november 2004, plus i was in my late 30's so i was getting to the age where my metabolism was slowing down. i managed to go from 105 lbs up to 150, and then in the past year i put on another 10lbs. that is when i said enough already. i don't want to be 105lbs again, but @ 130 lbs would be nice.
  • it would be nice if there was a tool to differentiate between naturally occurring sugars and the refined ones. although too much natural sugar isn't always good either. i just make a note each day calculating how much sugar is from dairy or fruits.
  • it could have been worse - their spouse could have posted it or there could have been
  • here is a link that might help for myself i work it as 648 calories burned per hour.....that is an intense zumba class- depends how much effort i put into it. it compares closely to the same amount of energy i put into my hour long no-contact kickboxing class.
  • farting=weight loss!! now would this be recorded under food or under exercise?
  • farting=weight loss!! now would this be recorded under food or under exercise?
  • why don't you ask a personal trainer? someone who has an educational background in nutrition, weight loss, exercise programs catering to certain requirements? just a thought....
  • before your first coffee in the morning, it is a good idea to drink a glass of water. usually you dehydrate as you sleep. i don't know about anyone else, but the first thing i do when i get up is........wait for it................. have a nice long pee! (my cats know my routine). i
    in Coffee Comment by treasa327 April 2012