

  • Hello and welcome. I too am fairly new here and also need to change my lifestyle totally . Got away with abusing my body for years but as I approach 60 my body is starting to let me know how much I am hurting it. Love what I have seen of this site so far and think it might provide the help I need.
  • Hi I too am a shortie with 100 + pounds to lose. Have been with MFP since April 29 and lost 10 lbs. 59 and have struggled with weight issues most of my life. Doing fairly well with this plan and will help you any way I can
  • 59 here and yes it definitely gets harder to lose the older you get. But I found I have gotten more determined( or stubborn) as the years go by and hope I can finally lose the weight this time. This has been a lifelong struggle with me and lots of yo-yoing along the way.