

  • Me to, 5'11 and soon to be fabulous. Heels when I'm out with the girls and not when I'm with the bf. Tall ladies who love heels - it's all about the attitude to pull it off - and the best palce to practive believe it or not is down the supermarket isle with your trolley as it's long and no carpets! xx Vive longues jambes!
  • Me to! Support is the key to it all!
  • Add me if you want - I just joined over the weekend and I'm mainly doing it for health reason to - and the same situation with keep losing it and putting it back on! Best of luck! :)
  • Hey, My best mate has the same problem when we go together and I always tell her that she shouldn't worry what people think and if she does, they'll think more of her for the fact that she's trying to do something about it. Also getting in and out of the pool is only 10 seconds, that's got be worth doing the exercise and…