ladyoflb Member


  • Hi!!! **waves back**
  • I love this post, because I love my curves too. I've always had big boobs, but they got too big when I was too big, losing a bit of them has really made me happy, (the hubs, not so much, but he can just deal) Bottom line: they love us no matter what, do it for you (which it sounds like you are) and you will still keep your…
  • Support definitely helps! I love to connect with people who have similar goals as I do. Please feel free to add me!
  • Hi! Nice to meet you too! Good luck!
    in Hello! Comment by ladyoflb January 2014
  • I know what you mean! Kind of in the same boat, gained about 10 of my pounds back, not letting it get any farther than that! Feel free to add me! We can do this!
  • I have been a member for a while, but have been MIA...need friends to support and to support me!
  • First off, congrats on the wedding! Second, you CAN do it! You've made the decision to do it, and you can! Go get em'!
  • Hahaha! Love this!
    in :( Comment by ladyoflb November 2013
  • Best tip that I can give is to just keep going! You are on the right track by making the decision to start! Now, you just have to keep going! :)Good luck! I know you'll do great!
  • Good luck! Keep going and you will get there! I'll add you!:)
  • Good luck! You can do it!! Just keep at it, keep strong and you WILL achieve your goals!
  • That sounds AMAZING!!!!! What a wonderful way to celebrate so many years of marriage! I am so sorry to hear about your house fire, what a crazy event.....!! Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • I can understand completely! I was a SERIOUS diet coke addict, Jan. 1 of this year was my last one! Woo-hoo. I still crave it but I think of all the reasons why I wanted to quit. And then I reach for my water..... :) Good luck to you, you can do it! You already have one major victory under your belt, what's one more? :):):)
  • Try a circuit training routine. It will add weights to your workout but you won't get bored:) Or try a HIIT routine! I think both really help in speeding up results.
  • Hi Dallas! Welcome! MFP is a great place to get some great ideas, tips, and motivation! I have been using it for a while now:) Definitely see more progress when I log:) Good Luck!
  • Welcome!!!!
  • I think you will have good luck talking to a diabetes specialist! So you know what is right for you exactly! Good luck!
  • Fall down 7 times, get up 8! Way to go for trying again!
  • If you want fruit with it, infuse it with strawberries and blue/blackberries! It is sooo good! Icy cold water that tastes like berries...yummy!
  • This is so true! Don't wait too long to eat! Order a grilled chicken sandwich and toss the bun! That's my best piece of advice:)
  • Yes, I agree. I hope your sister can quickly see that you have to drastically change your eating habits for that to be safe and effective! Sending you and your sister good thoughts.
    in Rant time! Comment by ladyoflb July 2013
  • Week two: Log my food all week!
  • Ok so for the "social" aspect of this challenge, I will try and hook up with people who are doing the C25k. I am just starting to really enjoy running. Beat the clock: I want to actually RUN a whole 5k. Sooo, here's to that! lol. I will be running tomorrow morning so I can be more specific then.
  • Have you tried skinny girl cocktails? I always go with vodka cranberry. Yes, cranberry has a lot of sugar, but it does wonders with my hangovers! Also, as you know, moderation is key with ANYTHING. If you keep your drinks to one or two, you can easily fit it into your daily calorie allowances. Also, if beer is your thing,…
  • Finish line(Week 12): Weight goal: lose 20 lb's Exercise goal: complete 30 day calisthenics challenge Nutrition goal: 45 days under mfp calories allowed Week 1: Weight goal: Lose 1.5 Nutrition goal: 5 days
  • I do a lot of different things....Jillian Michaels (weight training), running and zumba! I like to mix it up!!
    in Workout Comment by ladyoflb July 2013
  • Oh you definitely can!!!:) Good luck!:)
    in Workout Comment by ladyoflb July 2013
  • beeautygeek- Couch to 5k is great!!! I highly recommend it!!:) I am currently on week 4. :)
    in Workout Comment by ladyoflb July 2013
  • Hello! MFP SW- 206.8 FSC SW-178.8 Hoping to be down at least 30 more pounds by the beginning of Oct. Sooo, here goes nothing!:)
  • Hello! Looking forward to joining another group! So I joined MFP in April 2012 but was on again off again for a long while. Then I restarted in Jan of this year. I have since lost 33 pounds and I have hit a snag....I am hoping to get it going again! So excited!:)