

  • Calories are burned in a few ways. Now, I'm no fitness pro, but I understand a couple things... Doing high-intensity workouts that are muscular in nature, will burn CRAZY calories!. Also, your two largest muscle groups are your legs and your back. If you work those two groups pretty hard you will burn a lot more calories…
  • This is just my suggestions... For me, I got a coach that I was accountable to. It was a free telephone coaching service offered to me, so I took advantage of it. What we did, was we set goals for every week. They were SMALL goals, but each one has added up to a bigger one. Then, I got rid of all of the junk food in my…
  • Question: are you open to general fitness discussions and using resources from other sites? I really enjoy helping people, and also being pushed a bit. Sometimes, a bit of challenge and competition help as well. I am working with a fitness coach, doing physical training in the army (since it's a daily requirement), riding…