

  • It is a common fact that too much sodium causes water weight. Drink a TON of water. At least 64oz a day. If you are exercising then you need to drink more. Also two things. One: if you are exercising make sure you are eating your exercise calories. Two: Working out builds muscle. More muscle is good and it may cause the…
  • Yes, i do. I had been taking them for a while when i ran out and didn't have time to get more. After several months i finally got some and the day i started taking it I noticed a lot more energy. Also, yes, b-vitamins in general are very good for your metoblism. It does indeed give it a boost. I suggest super b-complex.
  • Ya if youre using a regular bra thats definately going to happen. I'm a b-cup and mine bounce too lol. I suggest a sports bra as well, cause when i wear one it feels like mine are never gonna move again.
  • :embarassed: OMG! lol, i thought it was just me haha. Eye of the Tiger makes me move! every time I hear this song I start punchin my arms out in front of me. haha i don't even realize until i see myself doing it on a singstar video.
  • Well, hmmm. Of course anything upbeat is good I don't generally care for hip hop however, i took a kick boxing class that used that type of music and it was very pumping. Now for me I like songs that make we want to dance: wether that be a techno song, rock song or even an oldie lol. If i am on the treadmill though I…
  • Hey girl! I'll be your friend. Accountability is key.