eljmotivated Member


  • I'm disappointed! I was so excited to see but there weren't any pictures on there of women of my height. BOO!
  • I agree with morticiamom. The more complex carbs and protein tend to keep you full longer so you aren't reaching for more food quite as soon. I lost 50 lbs without restricting my carbs although Insanity has put a bit of that weight back on me but in a good way. And drink plenty of water. A lot times I found myself thinking…
  • Warm-up/Cool down- love Red hot chili peppers Intense jogging/running- I like hip hop- keri hilson, Lil wayne, juvenile, rhianna (that birthday cake song always gets me going!), ludacris Walking- I love Christina Aguilera, *****cat Dolls, Alanis Morissette Dancing- I love latin music (think zumba!) love love love We no…
  • It gets better. As long as you do it consistently. Missing days makes it feel like you're starting all over again! But it is a great feeling when you can see yourself improve and getting easier! There's no shame in having to take a break for a second. At first I needed to pause the DVD so I could take a water break after…
  • I agree that added sodium is the biggest downfall of frozen dinners. However, as far as preservatives go, try organic! I love it. And now that I eat organic I tend to cook more and I pay more attention to what's in my food! Amy's is probably my favorite! She has so many delicious options.
  • Love Kashi! They are very adventurous with their food combinations. But it tends to be hit or miss. lol. Either I love the meal or I hate it. There aren't any mediocre Kashi meals.