

  • Well I lost my guide lol but when I first did p90x and insanity I just ate right mostly skinless chicken and fish ( I measured portion by palm of my hand . Lots of veggies and salads . Breakfast was egg whites or lean cereal fat free milk ( always measured cereal am milk ) snacks were almonds or rice cakes or some fruit .…
  • That smoothie sounds sooooo good
  • My name is Nastassia ! My goal is to tone up and have a flattner belly in starting Monday and hopefully make it for 90 days !!!!!! I will commit this time :))
  • Thanks I would love to hear everyone's recipes I'm tired of doing the same thing lol
  • I'll also be Doing it in the mornings or early afternoons cause I I don't I won't do it later on the day lol
  • I'm very excited yes I have the DVDs I got them a year ago when I first tried p90x out but only did a month of it lol now I wanna be committed to the 90 days are you doing the food meals I'm just gonna eat leaner chicken fish veggies and salads and protein shake after my workout and oatmeal in the mornings . Start weight :…
  • I will !!!! :) will you do it mornings or night ?