

  • Things are going well with the Copaxone for the most part. I have more trouble keeping all the mental stuff straight in my mind and really no trouble with the actual injection. My regular doctor (not neuro) says they are working on getting it into an oral form---can't wait! Again, thanks for all the support.
  • Thanks so much for all your input. I started the copaxone five days ago and things seem to being going fine. Shared Solutions asked if I had a support system available to me, thanks to you all I was able to say "yes." Thanks so much!
  • Though I've had MS for 30 years, my first exacerbation since diagnosis occurred a couple months ago. I feel like I was newly diagnosed, as everything is new to me and I have many "stupid questions." I think "stupid questions" are the norm for MS. I am with psmd concerning the fatigue. It started with me while I was…
  • I had optic neuritis in both eyes. This was 30 years ago, so MRIs were either new or nonexistent, so had a spinal tap for diagnosis. This was confirmed about eight years ago with my first MRI.