lacroyx Member


  • Roommate bought it for the XB1. I've played it for a bit and find it entertaining but I personally don't think it's worth 60$. I too suck at aiming so I tend to play classes that don't require much of that. XD
    in Overwatch Comment by lacroyx June 2016
  • I agree. Some people just are jealous. I know it takes a lot of hard work and dedication at the gym and I for one think you look great! Glad you and your dad are better as well.
  • Just same ol' same old for me. Couple of more nights until I get a short mini vacation. I'll be off work for 7 days!!
  • hi! How's everyone's night going? I found my weight loss has slowed down the past few weeks. Looking back at my food diary I noticed a trend with coffee and carbs. I have tried but failed with avoiding carbs when I have coffee. Muffins, cookies, you know, the bad good stuff. It's been 5 weeks since I stopped coffee at work…
  • Is this another nightshift thread? Last post before @jennifer_417 posted was in 2010. I wonder if this is the old old one?
  • Works out great with my current gf. We both are working on losing fat and being active. We go on runs and walks together, have signed up and participated in 5K/10K's as a couple as well. She's a bit faster than me and has a lot less to lose than I do, but I am slowly catching up. We also work on eating healthier and watch…
  • Friday meh. It's my Tuesday of the work week but to be fair, I look toward Sat and Sun since it's really quiet around my workplace.
  • 'The Hobbit' Smaug incense burner Star Trek TNG insignia pint set "The Devil's Punishment" t-shirt Harry Potter POP vinly figures with the Hogwarts Express…
    in LOOT! Comment by lacroyx April 2016
  • Batman and Joker vinyl wall clock Star Trek Hawaiian shirt…
    in LOOT! Comment by lacroyx April 2016
  • Fun little site by no means is it medical advice but for those curious, how much caffeine do you need to down in a day for it to potentially kill you.
  • Me me me! I'll be busy with currently the only one working weekends after the most recent hire didn't work out.
  • I've heard of the headaches thing and a quick Google search says it's related to the blood vessels @sufferlandrian mentions. Another page I read up on talked about a research study where they had participants cut down on the caffeine consumption and 61% noticed the pain lessen. Caffeine apparently contains a chemical…
  • Legend of Zelda Link hoodie Star Trek maternity tee Game of Thrones Eddard Stark mobile case for either iPhone or iPad Harry Potter…
    in LOOT! Comment by lacroyx March 2016
  • Firefly Shiny dice game NES backpack Batmobile travel case (sadly, it seems to be designed for kids in mind due to the size) Snorlax bed…
    in LOOT! Comment by lacroyx March 2016
  • So those that live in a area that does the spring forward time thing that happens today, how does that affect you with working nights at your job? I luckily still get credited 8hrs even though I only was here for 7. They do get me back later in the year during the Fall when time goes back 1 hr in which I work 9 hrs but get…
  • Hope it's nothing serious and 12 hr shift with 4 hrs of sleep? eww.
  • No kids and was single for my first 5 years of being on the night shift. It made working nights easier. Getting sleep, setting my own schedule and not having to worry about others. I have a roommate but it works out. He works swing shift and don't have sleeping issues. Now a days, still no kids but I am now in a…
  • There's different methods for Intermittent Fasting. 16-8 method is where you have a 8 hr window and eat your daily intake and then fast i.e. stop eating for 16 hrs. An example, your 8 hr window can be from Noon til 8pm. Eat during those times then at 8pm stop and don't eat again until the next day at Noon.
  • I don't know if this link will work from the app but it should from the MFP website
  • I work 8hrs 11pm to 7am. Typically workout after I get off work and sleep from about 3pm to 10:30pm. My meal times are not set in stone. Usually I eat 2x, once at work between 4-6AM and again around 11am-1pm. It's been slow but I have steadily lost over the past few years. Forgot to add, as for advice, I mainly focus on…
  • Everyone called in tonight! All by myself self which means I'll be extra busy but it makes the night go by faster.
  • I've worked for 5+ years on the night shift and found midnight to midnight tracking is the easiest for me.
  • I think the politically correct term is "professional in public relations".
  • in kg? which would be 298.2 lbs
  • Whether its carbs or other, I personally sleep better if I stop eating at minimum 2hrs before going to sleep. If I find if I eat then go to bed soon after, 90% of the time I have to wake up and go to the bathroom, interrupting my sleep.
  • Here as well. I expect it to be a quiet weekend especially with Monday being a holiday.
  • I started my Monday tonight and noticed MFP did some changes. Our thread is under "Fun & Games"? Everyone that works night shift knows this isn't fun and games!!!
  • Lucky you! Good luck with the upcoming new things!
  • Doctor Who TARDIS coat Central City police badge replica from the Flash tv show Star Trek TOS oversized pilliows Sherlock doorframe blanket…
    in LOOT! Comment by lacroyx February 2016