

  • Try a canned sparkling soda with a dash of lemon.
    in Diet Pop Comment by veneal January 2013
  • Late in the pm it is recommended that you eat a low fat protein snack not carbs. Carbs will initially allow you to sleep but soon crash and may wake you up due to hunger again.:yawn:
  • I have been following the vegan Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone for 2 months. I was so happy to convert my life over to this new ethical way of living. Unfortunately, I have gained 10 pounds in this 2 months. I am so bummed. I have been tracking my calories and have kept them below the allowable daily allotment. I have…
  • I'n with you. I am going to get every every morning and walk the German Shorthaird dog named Clash around town for for exercise. He's high energy and could use the exercise and attention. Me too, LOL. I've been very faithful about following my plant based diet for a few months. I can't see any real change in how my clothes…
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