

  • We are starting week 2 month 2 today as well.....month 2 is def insane.... It takes everything we have to make it thru each workout since they are so long.... But we are doing it!!!! Nobody said it was going to be easy right ?!?! We are fitting into some old clothes which feels good.... But nothing much showing on the…
  • Are you stretching before and after the workout? Soreness is an everyday thing for us.... But not so bad that it hurts to walk.....and we are pretty heavy and out of shape. What we do is vow to finish the entire workout....we do have to alter some of the moves so not to blow out our knees....and we go at our own…
  • Awesome I can't wait to see ur inches lost. The scale isn't moving too much and it makes me a little nervous since I have about 80 pounds to lose in 7 months. I have committed to the 60 days and know I will need to do several rounds of it. Here's to a new healthy sexy body :)
  • We are starting week 3 and taking our measurements tonight.....hoping all the sweat,tears, and throwing up(yes...that was our day 1 lol) has paid off so far!!!! Has anyone seen much weight loss/inches lost after their first 2 weeks?? Http://www.facebook.com/TeamFatGirl?=page_insights
  • We are starting week 3 of Insanity. Feel free to like us on our Facebook page. We can use all the help and support we can get! http://www.facebook.com/TeamFatGirl?sk=page_insights
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