Ofm05 Member


  • It won't happen over night for sure. Remember these things your weight will change all day long. So don't really pay to much attention to the scale. You don't have to diet but you should start making the better choice. Eat what you want but control how much (very important) Diet tend to not last at all, so make sure you…
  • You could also youtube some p90x workouts. Some people put them up. I would recommend doing Ab Ripper X and running. Every 2-3 days. Increase the protein up for 28-30 days and then go back to normal so your body stays having to adapt.
  • Fellow the 50 / 30 / 20 plan 50%protein 30%crabs 20%fat. As long as you do that you will burn fat. don't worry to much about the scale.
  • You need to do a 50-30-20 diet. 50% Protein 30% Crabs 20% fat. That will get rid of the fat. P90X also uses this diet to get rid of fat. Stick with lean meats and get good crabs in your body from good foods. 80% of losing fat is the diet.
  • @ Emsawnson Are you following the Nutrition Guide from P90X? Or are you just getting better and doing myfitnesspal?
  • Everyone says the result really start to show between day 30-60.
    in P90X Works Comment by Ofm05 May 2012
  • That's P90X for you! They don't tell you is a weight lost program. They make it clear its a get fit program. You will not drop that much weight doing it. But you will burn fat and gain muscle and muscle weighs so don't look at the scale to much. Look at your photo's and measurements. But like i said before if you really…
    in P90X Works Comment by Ofm05 May 2012
  • P90x works period. You don't need to fellow their Nutrition plan, but what you do need to do is eat right/cleaner to see the big results. Remember 80% of P90X result will come from how you eat. Anyone can lose weight the goal is to lose fat.
    in P90X Works Comment by Ofm05 May 2012
  • Great job so far, keep it up!
  • Reason for that is because p90x build muscle and muscle weigh more. You could also throw in running a few miles to drop weight. But that's a lot to do with p90x.
  • Ground Beef is perfectly fine. Just get 93+ Fat free and watch the portions size and you will be fine. I