

  • Would like to have a good answer for you but I am in the same boat. Normally up and down 5 to 6 lbs. Seems if I eat a bit off of normal weight goes up but must be water weight as it comes off in a few days. But I have been at a standstill for a few months now and it does get to you after a while.
  • Hi were they telling you that your total was low or your LDL which is the Good Cholesterol. I understant that exersize and fish oil can help this one.
  • Hi, keep up the fight, I too have been overwieght my whole life and hate to work out. I recently had the lapband procedure and that has helped alot. Down 40 /lbs But even with the Lapband they suggest you also are involved in some type of plan, WW, Gym, etc. I joined a gym and attend their group fitness program. 3 x a week…
  • Try pepperidge farm deli flats, 100 cal lots of proteene and fiber too
  • Yes it is so painful. Go to a podiatrist, get a shot of cortazone. That itself hurts a bit but by the next day the Plantar Fascitis felt much better. Their are also exersizes to streach the mussel. But don't just go on with the pain. Hope this help Ross
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