

  • They're the fabric ones. Suprisingly, they're not too tight and don't move around either. These were made by a former Mr. Olympia for the specific purpose of squatting. They keep the knees warm (you'll notice your kness sweating when you take them off) and promote good circulation. I've had the hindged brace as well but it…
  • They're the fabric ones. Suprisingly, they're not too tight and don't move around either. These were made by a former Mr. Olympia for the specific purpose of squatting. They keep the knees warm (you'll notice your kness sweating when you take them off) and promote good circulation. I've had the hindged brace as well but it…
  • Last year I tore my meniscus and strained my ACL. The ACL healed on its own, but i needed surgery to repair the meniscus in December. The surgery was sucessful, but my knee still bothered me when running and definitely after squatting. Over time the discomfort eased as my leg muscles got stronger from squatting, but was…
  • Thankfully most food places now have a nutrition link on their website that lists the nutritional values of all of their dishes. Find out where you're going and make the numbers work for you!!! If you're a drinker like me and you know your favorite drinks, you can find the nutritional values for those as well. I find that…
  • If you really wanted waffles, you can make your own low carb/high protein waffles!! Check out youtube for some great recipes. There's a channel called leanbodyfitness . This guy has tons of great recipes!
  • Mio or any water flavoring packett and a good vodka. Most water flavoring products are calorie free and most vodkas are 90 calories per ounce or something like that