elibeltran Member


  • I was 16 years old when I had my first child(ren). I had twins, I am now 38 years old and my daughters are 21. I have successfully raised then without the help of their biological father! It was a struggle, but it can be done. They are fully functioning, responsible adults now. Both attending their 3rd year in a University…
  • I have been doing Zumba 2-3 times a week for the past year (along with Turbo Kickboxing 2 times a week). It took me 1 year to loose about 15 lbs. I'm 5'4 and went from 155 to 139 (ddown to 133 after starting MFP with workouts). I was onlying doing the kick boxing, but Zumba is what really boosted my weight loss. I highly…
    in Zumba Comment by elibeltran May 2012