

  • I did lots of stumbling at first just running into wheat in places I didn't expect, and like you said I wasn't prepared well. Don't beat yourself up, its a learning curve I feel. I do think I am getting better as time goes by. Congrats on going out and staying wheat free!
  • I went wheat free last Sep. I am having trouble keeping up with my 1200 calories a day!
  • If you are gaining weight look at the things you are eating to see if they have extra sugar hiding in there. I was told the possessed foods marked Gluten Free have added extra sugar. Just a suggestion.
  • I didn't seem to have bad withdrawals from wheat. I have noticed I don't crave anything between meals. I feel satisfied. Congrats on your day 3!
  • I tried reading the book, lots of it is to technical to me! I can say I skimmed a lot of it. I have never been much of a reader, but I think I got the idea. Last September I had worse than normal for me digestive issues. I got on Google to try and figure out my problem. I had seen that some digestive issues were due to…
  • Thank you for the reply's ! I had a swollen foot for several months, my Dr put me on the water pills to see if that would help the foot go down. It has, so I am guessing that's where most of the weight came off. I am also assuming that its not a real measurement of loss since when I go off the water pills the weight will…
    in New here Comment by itsmeveve May 2012