

  • At my most slender and fit (when I was 19) I was 125. Now (in my mid-20's) I would be pleased with 130.
  • Everyone is freaking out about her height and weight, but nobody has seen her frame. I have a wide ribcage and pelvic bone, so based on my skeleton I will never be as slender or thin as models on T.V., nor dip below 120 lbs without being unhealthy. Perhaps she has an extremely narrow frame, and 105 lbs is her natural…
  • Eating white rice has the nutritional equivalent of eating a tissue; there is nothing in white rice for your body to use, but it still comes with calories. The MyFitnessPal database gives different types of brown rice 150-218 calories per cup of cooked rice. Brown rice has a slightly nutty flavor. Throw some spices in!…