mkusafr Member


  • For ever mean comment heard, there are two positive ones not being said or heard. I have always looked up to woman who are larger than me working out at the gym. The courage and strong spirit they have! I know how HARD it is for me to take care of myself, to force myself to go to the gym, to try to stop smoking, to avoid…
  • I am so sorry to hear about your loss. You have many supporters here. Friend me if you would like! It is hard and I wasn't very obese - pretty "average" to today's standards, but want to lose 20 to be at my actual ideal healthy weight. But I still smoke and if to be brief, this is what I can offer for advice from my…
  • Annoying and rude people are everywhere - rules or no rules. I rarely use my phone for actual phone calls - gym or elsewhere. At the gym, I plug it in to the treadmill for my nike plus data and charge. When I am done with my workout on cool down, I can text my hubby to pick me up if timing is right and he's done working -…